

Brandon Ruckdashel (Photographer)

As an actor, your headshot is one of your most valuable marketing tools. It's the first impression casting directors, agents, and producers will have of you, and it can make all the difference in landing auditions and bookings. That's why choosing the right photographer is so important.

When you choose my services as a photographer, you're choosing quality, comfort, and professionalism. I shoot exclusively with medium format cameras, which means your headshots will be of the highest quality possible. These cameras capture incredible detail and depth, ensuring that your headshot will stand out from the crowd.

But it's not just about the equipment I use. I also provide a warm and comfortable environment for your shoot. I understand that having your picture taken can be a stressful occasion for some actors, so I do everything I can to put you at ease. We'll take the time to get to know each other and talk about your goals for the shoot. I'll give you plenty of direction to ensure that we capture the best possible images, but I'll also make sure that you feel comfortable and confident throughout the process.

During the shoot, I offer customizable music playlists to help create a fun and relaxed atmosphere. After the shoot, you'll have access to all of the images we captured, so you can use them however you choose. I don't believe in limiting my clients' options, so you're free to use the images for any purpose, whether it's for your website, social media, or printed materials.

And of course, after the shoot, you'll have access to high-quality proofs from the session. This means you'll be able to review the images at your leisure and choose the ones that best represent you and your brand. I'm also available to offer advice and guidance on selecting the best images for your needs, whether you're looking to land more commercial work or break into the world of TV and film.

Ultimately, my goal is to provide you with headshots that will help you achieve your career goals. Whether you're just starting out or you're an experienced actor looking to update your portfolio, I'm here to help you succeed.




Los Angeles


+1 310 564 6573